
CASAS is now open to the public only on APPOINTMENTS

You may :

  • send us an e-mail at : casastrasbourg at orange.fr
  • call us on our mobile phone : 07 88 46 31 64
  • call us : 03 88 25 13 03
    Please observe the date and hour of your appointment.

Thank you.

CASAS has three main missions:

  • Welcoming asylum seekers and providing them with assistance throughout the procedure of asylum seeking in France
  • Offering opportunities to discover France and the French language
  • Providing information about the right to seek asylum as well as raising awareness of the challenges faced by asylum seekers

A week at CASAS

Located downtown Strasbourg, CASAS has been supporting the right to seek asylum for 35 years.

Our premises are located in :

Maison protestante de la solidarité,
2, rue Brûlée
(tram station Broglie).

CASAS has three main missions:

  • Welcoming asylum seekers and providing them with assistance throughout the procedure of asylum seeking (lodge an appeal)
  • Offering opportunities to discover France and the French language
  • Providing information about the right to seek asylum as well as raising awareness of the challenges faced by asylum seekers

Click here to lodge an appeal with CASAS’ support.

CASAS welcomes you and your family for friendly hours on Wednesdays from 15 h 30. Where is it ?

The right to asylum is enshrined in the French Constitution, in the 1951 Refugee Convention ratified by France, as well as in European directives which created the "subsidiary protection", an alternative to the refugee status. Refugees are people in danger, persecuted because of their race, religion, nationality, membership in a social group or political opinions or are simply unable to enjoy the protection of their state to their lives or freedom. For these reasons, they are forced to leave their countries of origin.

CASAS exists thanks to your donations.

Thank you for supporting us.